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Highway 413 is driven by the same destructive planning approach as the Greenbelt removals and the provincial government should cancel it immediately. When the previous government studied this highway, they cancelled it because it was found to be expensive and unlikely to substantially reduce congestion. Many people suspect the Premier revived this project because property owned by key PC donors will grow in value.1

Highway 413 will pave 400 acres of the Greenbelt and 2000 acres of our best farmland!

Highway 413 will put our climate goals out of reach.

Highway 413 is a threat to endangered species.

The government refuses to say how much Highway 413 will cost -- but independent estimates are as high as $10 billion and growing. Highway 413 will benefit well-connected sprawl developers at the expense of taxpayers and the environment! 

Tell your MPP and the Minister of Transportation that Highway 413 should be cancelled!

Your letter will be sent to your local MPP and the Minister of Transportation.

1. National Observer.  Developers with ties to Ford Government stand to cash in on Hwy 413. April, 2021.  https://www.nationalobserver.com/2021/04/03/investigations/developers-ties-ford-government-benefit-highway-413



Environmental Defence is a leading Canadian environmental advocacy organization that works with government, industry and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities.


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