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The provincial government’s reversal on the Greenbelt and forced boundary expansions was a sign that MPPs in the governing party are finally listening to the people of Ontario! Unfortunately, the removal of land from the Greenbelt and forced boundary expansions were only two parts of a much broader effort to enrich sprawl developers at the expense of the environment and housing production. Environmental Defence staff are still deeply concerned about: 

  • Sprawl MZOs
  • The gutting of Conservation Authorities and floodplain and wetland protections
  • The dismantling of regional land use planning and the lowering of density requirements
  • The redundant and destructive Highway 413
  • A plan to unleash more sprawl by repealing the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe

This government still has a long way to go to restore public trust.

Tell your MPP and Minister Calandra to put people and the environment ahead of real estate speculators!

Your letter will be sent to your MPP based on your postal code.


Environmental Defence is a leading Canadian environmental advocacy organization that works with government, industry and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities.


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