Speak up for a 'SAFE' climate!

Jasper is being ravaged by wildfires. Across Alberta and elsewhere, people are being hit hard by devastating forest fires, heat waves, droughts and floods - as all symptoms of a warming planet. Yet our provincial government remains silent on the climate emergency! 

It’s time to speak up on climate disasters! Increasingly more Albertans know that dangerous weather events are a result of polluting, carbon-intensive industries. Nearly half of Albertans think it's time to become an energy leader of a new kind – by supporting an energy transition to clean, renewable power.

The provincial government is recklessly opposing climate action – with no solutions in sight. The Alberta government continues to rely heavily on carbon-polluting industries for energy which is causing devastating weather, while it blocks clean energy growth. The government's only plan is to throw billions of dollars into wildfire response in the short-term, but offers no long-term answers for ongoing climate disasters. 

Let's break Alberta's climate silence by demanding a 'SAFE” climate future. Tell the provincial government you want 'SAFE' action on climate change: 

  • S - Support Climate Action: Put the safety of Albertans and environmental protection ahead of carbon polluting industries, by supporting a cap on the greenhouse gas emissions from the oil and gas industry. 
  • A - Ambitious Targets: Set ambitious targets to reach our 2050 net zero goal with a 40-45% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. 
  • F - Fair Markets: Remove restrictions on the clean energy sector to make a level playing field for all energy. Alberta can be a competitive player in the new global market for renewable energy, if the government doesn’t unnecessarily restrict wind and solar power. 
  • E - Emergency Prepared: Alberta needs a robust and long-term plan for future emergency preparedness that includes responding to climate disasters, but also adapting our homes, communities and environments to be more resilient when disasters hit. 

The fact is Alberta is changing – in many ways for the better. As the summer heats up, more Albertans are ready to speak up about our climate crisis. That’s why we are building a people-powered movement in Alberta calling for real climate solutions.

Speak up today to show Albertans are ready to break climate silence by demanding strong climate action. 

Your message will be sent to your MLA; Premier Danielle Smith; and Minister of Forestry and Parks, Todd Loewen. 


Environmental Defence is a leading Canadian environmental advocacy organization that works with government, industry and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities.

ALBERTA: Speak up for a 'SAFE' Climate!

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