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It's time we ReFUnd our sustainable future. Let's put our money where our values are and regulate Canada's financial system so that investments are made in climate solutions — not climate disasters! 

Each year, Canada’s top five banks invest over $100 billion dollars into oil and gas projects, totalling almost $1 trillion dollars since 2016. Pension funds and insurance companies hold billions of dollars in fossil fuel assets and investments. Yet, for every dollar spent on fossil fuels, Canada’s banks are investing only 25¢ in clean energy projects. 

Canada saw record-breaking heat-waves and wildfires last summer, devastating towns like Jasper. Yet, our financial system is financing the very industries that are fueling climate disasters  —  all while delaying our transition to a green and sustainable energy system. 

We can change this by creating a new set of federal rules that: 

  • Ensure our financial system meets our climate targets of limiting warming to 1.5 °C
  • Create a new plan for climate-aligned financial regulations
  • Credibly reach net-zero targets with climate transition plans for financial institutions
  • Keep greenwashing out of our finances and investments

Sign the letter today to demand that the federal government ensures our financial system takes climate action!


Your message will be sent to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland, as well as Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, François-Philippe Champagne, Hon. Don Davies and Hon. Jasraj Singh Hallan.


Environmental Defence is a leading Canadian environmental advocacy organization that works with government, industry and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities.

Join the movement to demand that Canada's financial system invest in climate solutions - not climate disasters!

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Prime Minister of Canada
Prime Minister