
Let protecting our environment be your legacy to the world.

There is no better way to protect future generations than to leave a gift in your will to Environmental Defence. Your legacy gift will help us continue protecting our shared environment and human health.

Protecting the environment will always be critical to the health and well-being of all living creatures. Today, with unprecedented heat waves, raging wildfires and flooding, it has never been more important to fight for serious climate action.

“We chose to provide Environmental Defence with a legacy donation because we felt it would be an ideal long-term investment in two issues that are important to us: a healthy urban environment and a rural habitat for Canada’s flora and fauna. And just as important was the fact that their strategy of identifying specific opportunities to protect the environment and then doing solid research into them, developing insightful positions on them, building awareness of them and mobilizing coalitions behind them works.“

—Linda and Bill Saul, Toronto and East Garafraxa, Ontario

And it’s easy to make a legacy gift (bequest). You just need to specify in your will that you are leaving a gift to Environmental Defence Canada. There are many ways to leave a legacy gift to a charity. The following list is in the order of simplicity for the receiving charity:

  • Giving a set dollar amount
  • Giving a percentage of your estate (after all debts, taxes, expenses, and other bequests have been distributed)
  • Transferring ownership of a paid life insurance policy (valued at the cash surrender value)
  • Gift of RRSP or RRIF
  • Gift of stock, bond or mutual fund
  • Gift of real estate
  • Gift of any asset (artwork etc)
  • Naming EDC as a beneficiary in your will allows you to make a meaningful yet significant gift, helping you create your legacy for a better future of Canada.
Why leave a legacy gift in your will?
  • You will make environmental protection part of your life story.
  • There are significant tax benefits for your estate.
  • Your estate will receive a tax credit for the full value of the gift, which will help maximize the value of your residual estate for your beneficiaries.

Information you will need to include in your will to leave a gift to Environmental Defence:

Legal Name: Environmental Defence Canada Inc.
Charity Number: #11883 0835 RR0001
33 Cecil Street, 1st Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1N1

If you are thinking of a legacy gift to Environmental Defence or would like more information before you make your decision, please submit the form on this page.

For further assistance, please contact us at [email protected].

Where to start?

From cycling to solar, here are just a few of the many ways your next choice can contribute to a cleaner future for everyone.

Choose cycling

Avoid traffic and reduce pollution by getting behind the handlebars of a bike. Get to where you need to go at your own speed. Choose to pedal to a cleaner future now.

Choose an electric car

More affordable than ever, today's electric cars go the distance, require less maintenance and release no tailpipe emissions. Make your next car an electric car. Find out more.

Choose Energy efficiency

From insulating your home to upgrading your furnace, eco-friendly reno choices reduce your energy bills and reduce pollution. Love your home and the earth. Sign up to learn more.

Choose a home energy audit

Not sure where to begin to make your home energy efficient? Start with a home energy audit. Find out where your biggest energy drains are and how you can create change. Get started today. Sign up to find out how.

Choose solar

The cheapest and cleanest energy source in the world, solar will power the cities of tomorrow. You can power your home with it today. Fight climate change now. Sign up for more information.

Leaving a Legacy Gift to Environmental Defence

If you would like to learn more about Legacy Giving, please send us an email at [email protected] and we will get back to you soon.

If you have decided to leave a gift in your will, we would appreciate it if you would fill the form and we will reach out to you. 

We respect your privacy and will keep this confidential.